Friday, 11 January 2013

A World View Living in Error

 I am setting up this website because I think the world is in a mess. The theory behind this movement posits that all the world's problems stem from a language error - ie. there is an error in terms of the way we speak about the world. And because the words we use to speak with are also the words we use to think - and therefore reason with - the human mind's understanding of the reality of the world around us is misshapen.

 So what is the word, and what are we going to do about it?

 The word is the word "opposite", it organises all the pairs we think about into two mutually exclusive things which are different and unequal. When two things are opposite, they are set against eachother and there is a winner and a loser, a right and a wrong, a good and an evil.
  Society can very easily be dissection into the opposite pairs.
  Black v white (racism)
  Woman v man (sexism)
  Madness v sanity (psychologicalism?)
  Mind v Body
  Spiritual v science (materialism)

 We think in terms of opposition because in the 17th Century the philosopher Descartes sought an underlying paradigm that underpinned reality, and noticed all the world existed in pairs. These he called "opposites" - but this is not so. 
  But why is the word opposites wrong? It is wrong because two opposites cannot both exist (have anything in common) such as matter and anti matter, which annihiliate on first meeting. Steven Hawkins, in A Brief History of Time, advises the reader never to shake hands with his anti matter self. But since men and women, for instance, both exist, they are not actually opposites (because they have something in common.)
  Science tells us that everything in the world exists in hybridity - therefore the idea of two separate categories is an error. Men have nipples because they begin as women in the womb, and white skin is a result of a mutation of black skin, like blue eyes of brown eyes, and blonde hair of brown. Our language, and so our thoughts about and understanding of the world, are in tension with the reality of it.
 The global world view exists in error.

 What do we do then?

 What do we call them?

 Equasites - one thing who's existence depends on the existence of the other.

Newton's Law: every action has an equal and opposite reaction, can otherwise be expressed: every action has an equasite reaction.

This adds a new dimension of time consciousness to understanding of reality.

Women and men are equasites, and so is black and white skin, brown and blonde hair, brown and blue eyes.

What was before suspended out of order becomes in order.

The difference is, by changing this wording, we give two perspectives validity.

This blog is dedicated to bringing in the reunification of science and spirituality.

Imagine this scenario:

Children in schools learn maths, science, balance their chakras, and understand human social history against the background of the cosmos. The word teaches an integrative system rather than one based on exclusion.

With proper attention paid to the emotional body, all psychological problems are drastically reduced. Illnesses seemingly caused by no reason are also prevented. Greedy materialism ceases when people realise there is much more out there than the physical plain - sure, Derren Browm and Richard Dawkins can contest it all they like, the validity of science and spirituality is written in to the truth of language - science itself argues for hybridity between all pairs, not opposition (two of a kind, not two kinds.) We can see that their being set in tension is due to the error of the mind.

 When all things are understood to exist in equasition, bullying, racism, sexism and fear make no sense, because everything is understood as being companions. Humankind ends the nightmare of delusion inspired by the fall from ignorance. But she and he can return to that place of Divine Grace through understanding.

 It is time to begin the reparation between science and spirituality in the human mind, and between all things.

 Let us begin the 5th World with a new philosophy, as a new group of World Servers.

 It is within our power to end all wars and join hands as sisters and brothers.

 We can go to be the Aquarians.